Linking the World, Hydro-Tech Never Stops! | Hydro-Tech Spectacularly Attendance in Singapore OCEANS


From April 14 to 18, 2024, Hydro-Tech showed in Singapore OCEANS 2024 for the first time. In this conference, Hydro-Tech mainly exhibited popular multibeam echo sounder, towed and embedded side scan sonar, SVP1500 and SVS1500 and other products.

Hydro-Tech ‘Star’ product-MS400U, has attracted many international customers and overseas agents to negotiate cooperation. After understanding the features of high integration and excellent performance, they all had a strong interest in the cooperation with us.

SS4090 dual-frequency side scan sonar has been recognized and interested with the customers at our booth because of its dual frequency work simultaneously, high resolution and delicate image. After listening to the detailed professional explanation and data display, they all gave us high praises!

Our customers in Southeast Asian knew that we went to Singapore OCEANS, they also came to the booth to congratulate and discuss the follow-up cooperation. This fully demonstrated the high international recognition of Hydro- Tech’ s products, and also highlight the steady progress of Hydro- Tech in the international market.

Thank you to all we spoke to and everyone for making the 3 days such an insightful and great success story.